Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
So …! Strain and Chinese medicine. How can we explain it?
Whilst the cause of strain and stress may be helpful in deciding how to treat someone, the actual symptoms are more important.
First of all, the emotional state carried by the patient has to be assessed.
Then we need to know what the patient normally feels like when not strained or stressed. For example, are you already getting towards a ‘syndrome’ called yin deficiency?
We need to know whether the situation is continuing or has now ceased.
We need to know what the patient does or takes that affects the symptoms: being with friends, alone, the weather, the time of year, being indoors or outside….what foods or herbs or medications make a difference. And so on.
This may seem like a strange question! But if the cause of the stress is continuing, it may not be possible to ‘cure’ the underlying condition; one can only palliate it (make it temporarily feel better).
Even so, this may be preferable to taking medication.
If the stress cause has ceased, it may be more important to strengthen the underlying condition, susceptibility in which led to the signs of strain and stress. This might mean suggesting a better way of dealing with the situation the patient finds himself in so as to minimise the strain. It might mean leaving the situation that leads to stress. It might mean a more assertive attitude.
Practically, various therapies can help. Some therapies look at the way the patient’s energy gets trapped into an excess/deficiency imbalance.
Here are several.
These states mentioned above (Liver Yang rising, Liver Qi stagnation, Heart Blood Deficiency, Spleen deficiency, Dampness, and so on) are seldom seen exactly as described, but often turn up when people are stressed.
Patients often have a combination of these or other syndromes, which may themselves be developments of other, deeper patterns of health that were pre-existing to the stress.
Most of us carry around the seeds of our stress.
These ‘seeds’ can germinate into symptoms of different kinds, depending on our circumstances at the time.
For example, a warm-blooded patient under stress in a hot climate might produce symptoms of ‘heat’, as compared with being unaffected by the same stress in a cold climate.
One of our jobs is to explain to the patient what may predispose him towards symptoms of strain and stress. Sometimes he may be able to alleviate if not actually prevent it by eating more or less of certain foods, or taking certain kinds of exercise.
Or by taking more time to sleep!
And if the problem prevents him from sleeping? We can suggest treatment (herbs, acupuncture, massage, exercise, food etc.) that helps him sleep!
This is one of those questions which no two people would answer the same way!
As a general rule, you help yourself if you keep to a sensible routine that includes regular
– in other words, make time and space for yourself and your life!
But don’t forget this too: try not to live as though life were a constant emergency!
Some form of physical massage or treatment is often beneficial because it helps you get back inside your body and appreciate where you live!
– missing words that identify the therapy, because of rules about ‘advertising’!
In the above, please ring us (+44 7950 012501) if you see gaps in the words replaced with dots like this …..! For reasons also explained elsewhere on this website we are not allowed to claim that certain therapies we practise can in any way treat or help health conditions, despite at least two hundred years of glowing testimonials, admittedly anecdotal but often from individuals for whom orthodox treatment had failed.
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With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Why You get Nervous Stomach Anxiety and How to Handle It. Acupuncture has great ways to help.
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