Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Key Learning Points
Conception Vessel 6 (Ren 6, CV 6, Qi Hai) is one of the most important acupuncture points in the body.
It’s the sixth point along the Conception Vessel acupuncture channel, and can harness the dormant energy of your body, so greatly enhancing its capability.
By ‘Sea of Qi’ is meant Sea of Energy. (But Qi is a rather bigger concept than our word ‘energy’. Click this link for Qi to find out more.)
1.5 cun inferior to the centre of the umbilicus.
Given that the distance between the superior part of the pubic bone and the umbilicus is a distance of 5 cun, working out the distance of 1.5cun can be a problem, because 1.5 cun is less than one-third of 5 cun!
There are various ways to do it.
Because 1.5 is half 3, and 5 is half 10, you could just as easily say the point is 3 tenths of the way down from the umbilicus to the pubic bone. In that case, measure the distance off in lots of 2 tenths and then divide the distance between the second and fourth tenths by two and there’s the point. However, this is really the same, because you have to divide the distance by 10 instead of 5. Some people like this however as they have the minds of accountants and it makes it more precise for them. I used to be an accountant but I don’t do it that way.
There is fairly general agreement that the width of the middle and index fingers (of the patient) when held together is 1.5 cun. The distance is measured at the level of what is called the proximal inter-phalangeal joint. This is the first joint as you proceed from the knuckle towards the finger-tip.
Most people can bend this joint through at least 90 degrees – a right angle, unlike the second inter-phalangeal joint which lacks such flexibility. So you get the patient to place his index and middle fingers together on his abdomen inferior to the umbilicus. If the medial side of the index finger is level with the centre of the umbilicus, the lateral side of the middle finger should mark the location of Qihai. I say ‘should’! But bodies don’t necessarily conform with specifications!
Method 2 is fine if the patient doesn’t mind doing it and has fingers. Not all patients have fingers, though most start with them – but not all. So if methods one and two don’t suit you, you need a back-up. My system depends on rough approximation, like an engineer – I studied engineering at university and approximations suit me. (Don’t scoff at approximations: even when they send rockets to Mars, engineers still use approximations, although admittedly their tolerances are finer than you’ll be using with this, method 3.)
So what is method 3?
Divide the distance between umbilicus and pubic bone by 2. Now divide the upper half (which is 2.5 cun) by 2, and you arrive at 1.25cun down the distance from umbilicus to pubis. There really isn’t much difference between 1.25 and 1.5, so go a smidgeon further down. Then be brave, feel for the point and insert the needle.
There is another way! One third of 5 is just under 1.7 cun. So you could just divide the distance by 3 and then go up a smidgeon, instead of down a smidgeon.
Of course you can get clever measuring devices or you can use an elastic band marked off into 5 divisions, and lots of people do this. For me, method 3 usually finds the point.
Caution Do not needle this point in pregnant women. Otherwise, 1 to 2 cun, perpendicular to the skin. |
Up to the umbilicus, down to the urethra, and across to wherever Qi is stagnant or deficient in the abdomen.
NB! Some people have low energy and even if your point location has been precise and your depth and direction of insertion exact, it may take a while to ‘awake’ the point.
Also, it helps it they have food in their belly!
Acupuncture needs qi to work, and if there’s no food, qi runs low. If that’s the case you could add yang qi with moxa first, probably best done at Stomach 42 and/or Kidney 7. But if the patient is fasting or starving, this still won’t work as well as you’d like.
Sometimes using other points brings it to the surface, like Tsusanli, Stomach 36 or Taiyuan, Lung 9 – but in someone who is very weak you may be rightly cautious of using too many points at the same time. If one of the reasons you are using this point is Yang deficiency, then moxa (see below) may awaken it; once it is awake you can rouse it further with your acupuncture needle.
In young and/or healthy people with abundant Qi, the point can respond very quickly and you may find that the needle really does not need to penetrate far to get a reaction. Compare that with older or weaker patients for whom you may initially feel as if the tip of the needle is inside an empty cave!
Regarding those young healthy people, if their energy responds so fast, you probably don’t need to use this point! It could be that you should get other energies in balance, and ease out any Qi stagnation first. When everything else is flowing smoothly, they’ll have plenty of energy.
When you need to strengthen Yang, Conception Vessel 6 is an excellent place to moxa. In case of collapse of Yang, use on a slice of ginger for added effect.
By the way, if you are a bit daunted by all this ‘yin, yang, qi’ terminology, you may like to read up on balancing yin and yang, and on TCM theory.
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Conception Vessel 6 is a powerful revitalising and reinvigorating point, but also good for all genital, urinary and abdominal conditions.
It regulates the function of Qi and its circulation, thereby dispelling weakness and Damp. So acupuncture here helps to circulate fluids and assists urination.
It benefits the uterus and the heart, and with Conception Vessel 4 it strengthens the body’s resistance to disease.
With Spleen 10 it tonifies the Qi to tonify the Blood.
If Qi stagnation (see also my book below) arises from Qi deficiency then this point may be very effective in moving the stagnation.
Conception Vessel 6 is also a good point for anxiety, although there are many causes of anxiety and this point doesn’t address all of them.
In modern developed societies, many people allow themselves to get over-tired through
For them, this point can be very tempting. However, Chinese medicine and acupuncture work long-term because they emphasize balance. That balance is between yin and yang, Qi and Blood.
So just boosting Yang can imbalance people, and unfortunately you probably won’t see what happens.
If you are yin deficient, and plan to use this point, there’s something you should avoid. That’s because it boosts yang but at the expense of yin reserves.
What is it? Coffee (also anything containing caffeine.)
AnalogyI have used this analogy on this site already. Please don’t boost this point until you have put other matters into balance.
Otherwise, it may be a bit like putting rocket fuel into a small car.
Yes! – it may go very fast and your patient may seem very pleased, but if the individual driving the car is angry or otherwise emotional (imbalanced between yin and yang, qi and blood, or in the five elements cycle, for example,) they may not be able to control their car’s energy, and end up in the ditch.
Though your patient may be insistent – perhaps they read about Conception Vessel 6 here! – have compassion by all means, but tempered with good judgement! |
To access other points on the Conception Vessel, click below:
Ren-1 | Huiyin | Yin Meeting Place | Ren-13 | Shangwan | Upper Stomach Duct |
Ren-2 | Qugu | Crooked Bone | Ren-14 | Juque | Great Palace Gateway |
Ren-3 | Zhongji | Utmost Middle | Ren-15 | Jiuwei | Dovetail |
Ren-4 | Guanyuan | Source Gate | Ren-16 | Zhongting | Central Hall |
Ren-5 | Shimen | Stonegate | Ren-17 | Shangzhong | Middle of the Chest |
Ren-6 | Qihai | Sea of Qi | Ren-18 | Yutang | Jade Hall |
Ren-7 | Yin Jiao | Yin Intersection/td> | Ren-19 | Zigong | Purple Palace |
Ren-8 | Shenque | Spirit Palace Pathway | Ren-20 | Huagai | Flower Covering |
Ren-9 | Shuifen | Water Separation | Ren-21 | Xuanji | Jade Pearl |
Ren-10 | Xiawan | Lower Stomach Duct | Ren-22 | Tiantu | Heavenly Rushing |
Ren-11 | Jianli | Earthing Within | Ren-23 | Lianquan | Clear Spring |
Ren-12 | Zhongwan | Utmost Middle | Ren-24 | Chengjiang | Fluid Container |
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Why You get Nervous Stomach Anxiety and How to Handle It. Acupuncture has great ways to help.
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6 Responses
Very thorough and interesting. Well done and informative website. Thanks.
Thanks David – it’s always good to receive positive feedback! Jonathan
Hello David, I have been suffering from longCovid for 22 months now. I tried to continue gardenwork last year which made my symptoms much worse. My main complaint is post-exertional malaise, brainfog and tinnitus. I receive regular tuina-massage on ren 6. Could this actually contribute to the overall imbalance I experience? Thank you for your time, warm regards, Veronique Lambermont
Hi Veronique, Jonathan here – not David (he’s an imposter!).
Malaise takes many forms, so I can’t be sure, but the Chinese concept of Damp (https://www.acupuncture-points.org/damp.html) often explains some of its symptoms. If so, it’s a form of Yin excess (https://www.acupuncture-points.org/yin-excess.html) which needs to be cleared before stimulating yang too much. CV6 is definitely more yang in action and you might think this good for malaise from Damp, but actually it might stir it upwards.
That takes me to your second symptom, brainfog. This isn’t exactly the same as Damp, but can be a bit like it, and also like phlegm-caused dizziness, which does have muzziness in its picture. Phlegm is also an excess yin factor.
However, qi deficiency can lead to poor brain function too and this probably does apply to you if your brainfog is worse after exertion.
Tinnitus can be from both yang excess and yin deficiency, also various kinds of Blood deficiency. Again, I can’t be sure from your description of its onset, but it probably has some Lung qi and Heart qi deficiency as contributing factors.
So, guessing, I’d say that some of your symptoms come from qi deficiency and some from excess yin factors which aren’t being ‘descended’ properly. While CV6 probably helps the qi deficiency, it just might be exacerbating the excess yin factors. If I’m right about the excess yin factors, suggest to your tuina therapist that s/he spends some time on Stomach 40 (https://www.acupuncture-points.org/stomach-40.html) and maybe less time on CV6. Jonathan
Thank you Jonathan – your site is always helpful. I measure Ren 6 in another way again. Using the index, middle and ring fingers on both hands, I place my spread fingertips, equally spaced out, on Ren 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 (6 fingers, 5 spaces). Ren 6 is then half way between Ren 4 and Ren 8. Might be useful for someone.
Yes! If it works for you, it should work for others! Thank-you for contributing!