Introductory Chinese Medicine course
This Introductory Chinese medicine course introduces you to the amazing thinking behind this ancient medicine, now increasingly in demand.
This Introductory Chinese medicine course introduces you to the amazing thinking behind this ancient medicine, now increasingly in demand.
If you wonder just how does acupuncture work, here’s where you’ll find the latest and the earliest ideas.
2500 years of acupuncture theory and you thought it was just sticking in a few pins? It makes sense of where energy goes in your body, what happens when you’re in pain – and what to do about it.
This Introductory Chinese medicine course introduces you to the amazing thinking behind this ancient medicine, now increasingly in demand.
If you wonder just how does acupuncture work, here’s where you’ll find the latest and the earliest ideas.
2500 years of acupuncture theory and you thought it was just sticking in a few pins? It makes sense of where energy goes in your body, what happens when you’re in pain – and what to do about it.
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