Qi Stagnation and Stress: what to do to relieve stress.
How to reduce stress, pain, inflammation and all the symptoms of stagnating Qi. Get your life moving again!
How to reduce stress, pain, inflammation and all the symptoms of stagnating Qi. Get your life moving again!
Acupuncture Benefits include the economy of treatment and the underlying theory explaining stress, disease and wellness.
The World Health Organisation has looked at all the published clinical trials of acupuncture effectiveness and this is what it found.
Yang Deficiency The Book? How do the Olympics, the battle of Stalingrad, an infant’s first smile, and cold hands fit together? Make sense of life, the universe and everything!
Meditation is recognised as a potent technique for health and sanity. Different from prayer, but powerful. Learn this simple way to help yourself.
Acupuncture points enable yin and yang to improve life and health: a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw on. And then there’s Daisy!
2500 years of acupuncture theory and you thought it was just sticking in a few pins? It makes sense of where energy goes in your body, what happens when you’re in pain – and what to do about it.
If you’re alive, keep your qi in working order and you’ll enjoy life. Even when you’re dead, there’ll be some left!
Conception Vessel 8, Ren-8, Spirit Palace Gateway is at the centre of your belly button!
Lung Meridian (Lung Channel) points lie on the lung acupuncture channel. For Energy and Spirit, Respiratory complaints and the Big Picture in Life.
How to reduce stress, pain, inflammation and all the symptoms of stagnating Qi. Get your life moving again!
Acupuncture Benefits include the economy of treatment and the underlying theory explaining stress, disease and wellness.
The World Health Organisation has looked at all the published clinical trials of acupuncture effectiveness and this is what it found.
Yang Deficiency The Book? How do the Olympics, the battle of Stalingrad, an infant’s first smile, and cold hands fit together? Make sense of life, the universe and everything!
Meditation is recognised as a potent technique for health and sanity. Different from prayer, but powerful. Learn this simple way to help yourself.
Acupuncture points enable yin and yang to improve life and health: a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw on. And then there’s Daisy!
2500 years of acupuncture theory and you thought it was just sticking in a few pins? It makes sense of where energy goes in your body, what happens when you’re in pain – and what to do about it.
If you’re alive, keep your qi in working order and you’ll enjoy life. Even when you’re dead, there’ll be some left!
Conception Vessel 8, Ren-8, Spirit Palace Gateway is at the centre of your belly button!
Lung Meridian (Lung Channel) points lie on the lung acupuncture channel. For Energy and Spirit, Respiratory complaints and the Big Picture in Life.
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