Greater Yin Stage (Tai Yin stage)
Although this Greater Yin stage is the fourth of the Six stages, quite a lot of people get here by other means. It’s not uncommon.
Although this Greater Yin stage is the fourth of the Six stages, quite a lot of people get here by other means. It’s not uncommon.
External Causes of Disease can make us ill. Chinese medicine worked out what to do with them 1700 years before the West discovered bacteria!
The Bright Yang, or Yang Ming, stage is when your body mounts a tremendous attack on an invader such as Cold. But you must be young or fit!
The Lesser Yin stage occurs when a disease has forced its way past your defences down to Shao Yin, potentially a dangerous level.
The Four Levels theory explains how to treat you when ‘Warm’ diseases, such as from bacteria, penetrate your health defences.
At this Jue Yin stage your body, defending itself against disease, has retreated to this, its last and innermost level of resistance.
Although this Greater Yin stage is the fourth of the Six stages, quite a lot of people get here by other means. It’s not uncommon.
External Causes of Disease can make us ill. Chinese medicine worked out what to do with them 1700 years before the West discovered bacteria!
The Bright Yang, or Yang Ming, stage is when your body mounts a tremendous attack on an invader such as Cold. But you must be young or fit!
The Lesser Yin stage occurs when a disease has forced its way past your defences down to Shao Yin, potentially a dangerous level.
The Four Levels theory explains how to treat you when ‘Warm’ diseases, such as from bacteria, penetrate your health defences.
At this Jue Yin stage your body, defending itself against disease, has retreated to this, its last and innermost level of resistance.
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