PreEclampsia and Chinese medicine
Preeclampsia leads to stroke or heart disease in some children and teenagers. How does Chinese medicine explain this?
Preeclampsia leads to stroke or heart disease in some children and teenagers. How does Chinese medicine explain this?
What acupuncture point evidence is there? Lots! And growing! Hard to refute, though sceptics will always exist. But even WHO is convinced.
There’s LOTS of homeopathy research if you care to look for it. It appears in journals worldwide, covering research on humans, animals, plant and in vitro!
The history of homeopathy is full of contradictions. Though widely used worldwide, many dispute it. But there is considerable research for it!
Interested in research on moxibustion (‘moxa’)? Here’s some of it. We’ll add to it in time. There are safety issues, but otherwise it’s pretty safe and reliable.
The World Health Organisation has looked at all the published clinical trials of acupuncture effectiveness and this is what it found.
Don’t believe in acupuncture, let alone in acupuncture side-effects? Or looking for reassurance? Acupuncture has 2500+ years of side effects!.
Good acu-point location takes knowledge and skill. Once you’ve found a point, know why and how to use it, its channel and the theory.
Preeclampsia leads to stroke or heart disease in some children and teenagers. How does Chinese medicine explain this?
What acupuncture point evidence is there? Lots! And growing! Hard to refute, though sceptics will always exist. But even WHO is convinced.
There’s LOTS of homeopathy research if you care to look for it. It appears in journals worldwide, covering research on humans, animals, plant and in vitro!
The history of homeopathy is full of contradictions. Though widely used worldwide, many dispute it. But there is considerable research for it!
Interested in research on moxibustion (‘moxa’)? Here’s some of it. We’ll add to it in time. There are safety issues, but otherwise it’s pretty safe and reliable.
The World Health Organisation has looked at all the published clinical trials of acupuncture effectiveness and this is what it found.
Don’t believe in acupuncture, let alone in acupuncture side-effects? Or looking for reassurance? Acupuncture has 2500+ years of side effects!.
Good acu-point location takes knowledge and skill. Once you’ve found a point, know why and how to use it, its channel and the theory.
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