Constipation and bowel problems
Constipation? How does Chinese medicine explain and treat this? How can you work out what to do about it?
Constipation? How does Chinese medicine explain and treat this? How can you work out what to do about it?
Cough? Yes Chinese medicine has encountered it, plus asthma, TB, flu, corona virus cough and the rest. Read here how they diagnose it.
In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome acupuncture theory clarifies what needs to be done, the order to do it and what can be expected, so raising your spirits.
Constipation? How does Chinese medicine explain and treat this? How can you work out what to do about it?
Cough? Yes Chinese medicine has encountered it, plus asthma, TB, flu, corona virus cough and the rest. Read here how they diagnose it.
In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome acupuncture theory clarifies what needs to be done, the order to do it and what can be expected, so raising your spirits.
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