Acupuncture Points for Depression: Which are Best?
Best acupuncture points for depression? How would your acupuncturist choose them? How would he treat them? Could he just get on with it?
Best acupuncture points for depression? How would your acupuncturist choose them? How would he treat them? Could he just get on with it?
The Bright Yang, or Yang Ming, stage is when your body mounts a tremendous attack on an invader such as Cold. But you must be young or fit!
Acupuncture treats back pain often very successfully, but only when the treatment is right for the diagnosis.
Migraine and headache affect 8 million people in the UK! In TCM there are five or six main causes including excess, deficiency and Blood problems.
Wheezing is what happens when your air passages tighten up and you make a sound as you breathe. It can mean asthma or worse. See what TCM says.
Chronic or repeated breathlessness is often diagnosed as asthma in Western medicine but can be a separate condition in Chinese medicine.
In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome acupuncture theory clarifies what needs to be done, the order to do it and what can be expected, so raising your spirits.
Cold affects more people than you might think, especially as you grow old. but it can attack you at any age. It’s just as dangerous now as 2500 years ago.
Excess Dreaming can disrupt sleep and make you tired all day. Find out the various ways Chinese medicine understands and deals with it.
Food Retention is what happens after over-eating and over-drinking, often too close to sleep. Often leads to constipation and sometimes diarrhoea.
Best acupuncture points for depression? How would your acupuncturist choose them? How would he treat them? Could he just get on with it?
The Bright Yang, or Yang Ming, stage is when your body mounts a tremendous attack on an invader such as Cold. But you must be young or fit!
Acupuncture treats back pain often very successfully, but only when the treatment is right for the diagnosis.
Migraine and headache affect 8 million people in the UK! In TCM there are five or six main causes including excess, deficiency and Blood problems.
Wheezing is what happens when your air passages tighten up and you make a sound as you breathe. It can mean asthma or worse. See what TCM says.
Chronic or repeated breathlessness is often diagnosed as asthma in Western medicine but can be a separate condition in Chinese medicine.
In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome acupuncture theory clarifies what needs to be done, the order to do it and what can be expected, so raising your spirits.
Cold affects more people than you might think, especially as you grow old. but it can attack you at any age. It’s just as dangerous now as 2500 years ago.
Excess Dreaming can disrupt sleep and make you tired all day. Find out the various ways Chinese medicine understands and deals with it.
Food Retention is what happens after over-eating and over-drinking, often too close to sleep. Often leads to constipation and sometimes diarrhoea.
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