Damp Foods: that Cause and Clear Damp
Damp foods are foods that often make Damp problems worse in your body. Avoiding them will help most chronic Damp conditions.
Damp foods are foods that often make Damp problems worse in your body. Avoiding them will help most chronic Damp conditions.
Constipation? How does Chinese medicine explain and treat this? How can you work out what to do about it?
Hangover? Expecting it or got it? Here’s what to do, or not! The Chinese get this too, and Chinese medicine has analysed how it works.
Damp foods are foods that often make Damp problems worse in your body. Avoiding them will help most chronic Damp conditions.
Constipation? How does Chinese medicine explain and treat this? How can you work out what to do about it?
Hangover? Expecting it or got it? Here’s what to do, or not! The Chinese get this too, and Chinese medicine has analysed how it works.
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