How Bowen Works: did Tom Bowen never explain?
How Bowen Works was never really explained by Tom Bowen. He worked it out alone. But there are similarities to acupuncture theory.
How Bowen Works was never really explained by Tom Bowen. He worked it out alone. But there are similarities to acupuncture theory.
Acupuncture is Good For What? Lots, but traditional acupuncturists treat syndromes and channels, not illnesses. Also there are some things he needs to know!
The Large Intestine Luo channel is a secondary channel in acupuncture theory but it pays to know what it does, if your’e an acupuncturist.
If you wonder just how does acupuncture work, here’s where you’ll find the latest and the earliest ideas.
Good acu-point location takes knowledge and skill. Once you’ve found a point, know why and how to use it, its channel and the theory.
Acupuncture ear points can complement treatment on your body’s acupuncture channels.
Conception Vessel 14 is also known as Juque, Great Palace Gateway, meaning the ‘Gateway to the Heart’.
Pericardium 6, a famous point to help with nausea during pregnancy, has many more important uses. Here’s why not to over-use it!
Conception Vessel 6 is the sixth point along the Conception Vessel acupuncture channel, and is capable of harnessing the inherent but dormant energy of the body, and so greatly enhancing its capability.
A comprehensive guide to how the Conception Vessel manages your reserves and the power behind reproduction.
How Bowen Works was never really explained by Tom Bowen. He worked it out alone. But there are similarities to acupuncture theory.
Acupuncture is Good For What? Lots, but traditional acupuncturists treat syndromes and channels, not illnesses. Also there are some things he needs to know!
The Large Intestine Luo channel is a secondary channel in acupuncture theory but it pays to know what it does, if your’e an acupuncturist.
If you wonder just how does acupuncture work, here’s where you’ll find the latest and the earliest ideas.
Good acu-point location takes knowledge and skill. Once you’ve found a point, know why and how to use it, its channel and the theory.
Acupuncture ear points can complement treatment on your body’s acupuncture channels.
Conception Vessel 14 is also known as Juque, Great Palace Gateway, meaning the ‘Gateway to the Heart’.
Pericardium 6, a famous point to help with nausea during pregnancy, has many more important uses. Here’s why not to over-use it!
Conception Vessel 6 is the sixth point along the Conception Vessel acupuncture channel, and is capable of harnessing the inherent but dormant energy of the body, and so greatly enhancing its capability.
A comprehensive guide to how the Conception Vessel manages your reserves and the power behind reproduction.
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