
Thanks for paying your deposit for this treatment!

I look forward to seeing you.

Thanks for making your deposit for your first appointment consultation. I look forward to meeting you!

Your deposit assures your appointment. It covers one hour of our time together, but please do realise that first appointments usually take more than one hour. I charge my time at £100 per hour for first appointments.

So if we take less than one hour, you will receive a refund. But usually first appointments take more than an hour so there will be an additional sum to pay. 

What that means is that if it takes one hour and 30 minutes, you will owe me an additional £50. If it takes one hour and 45 minutes, you will owe me an additional £75. Two hours would be £200 altogether, which, less the £100 you’ve paid today, means an extra £100 is due.

The first appointment for cosmetic acupuncture is usually one hour long so your payment covers this.

Cancelling your appointment?

iPhone Timer

Please realise that I require 48 hours notice if you have to cancel, otherwise your deposit is usually non-refundable. 

Why? Because I shall be unable to fill the time and must twiddle my thumbs, when someone else who wanted your space couldn’t take it because insufficient notice was given, so had to arrange their appointment possibly several weeks later.

Don’t worry it’s Worth It!

I hope to make your time with me well worth while. I shall give you ample time to describe your problems and then shall ask questions and, if necessary and appropriate, do a physical examination.

If you are seeing me for acupuncture/Chinese medicine, at some point I shall explain

  • what I think is happening in terms of Chinese medicine and 
  • what I can do, as well as 
  • make a preliminary prognosis of the number of treatments you may expect, and how often.
  • I may be able to suggest pages on this site that would help you understand your condition better

Your first acupuncture treatment

If, after discussion, there is enough time, it is appropriate and you would like it, we can start treatment then and there.

However, first I shall have to ask you to sign some permission forms.

I shall also give you forms explaining what you may expect during and after acupuncture treatment.

Read more about acupuncture here.

We then book your next appointment (£60 – for acupuncture). You can do this with me or on-line at

Making Appointments with Jonathan

If you have already made a first appointment on-line, you should be registered by the system and be able to book or change subsequent appointments by going to

If someone you know would like to speak to me before arranging a first consultation, ask them to ring me on +44(0)7950 012501. I would be very happy to talk to them!

If, however, they want a proper telephone/Skype consultation, they should arrange this through the facility at

Otherwise, they can book themselves in directly, say for a first time consultation, lasting up to 2 hours if necessary, at


Herbal Prescription

After an acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine consultation, if you need herbs I aim to despatch your prescription within two days.

Sometimes the herbs must be ordered from the supplier, in which case this takes longer.

I shall give you a rough estimate of the cost of the herbs when I see you. Sometimes the prescription is in tablet form and comes in tubs.

Read more about Chinese herbs, click here.

Homoeopathic medicine (or ‘remedy’)

After a homoeopathic consultation, I usually aim to despatch your homoeopathic remedy(ies) within two days.

Sometimes they must be ordered from the pharmacist, in which case this takes longer.

By the way, I do not usually mix homoeopathy and Chinese medicine/herbs/acupuncture.

So, for example, you would receive either homoeopathic treatment OR acupuncture. The consultations are very different. Nor would I usually mix homoeopathic remedies with herbs.

Read more about homoeopathy here.