Conception Vessel 4, Ren-4 Guanyuan
Conception Vessel 4, Guanyuan, is the fourth point on the Conception Vessel, one of the so-called ‘extraordinary’ acupuncture channels.
Conception Vessel 4, Guanyuan, is the fourth point on the Conception Vessel, one of the so-called ‘extraordinary’ acupuncture channels.
All about Nutrition and what Foods do, according to Chinese medicine. Are they ‘warm’ or ‘cold’ in action? Learn and stay well!
Understanding Blood helps you avoid serious mental and health problems. In Chinese medicine It’s also the foundation of your personality.
Liver Blood Deficiency is a ‘syndrome’ in Chinese medicine. It tends to be chronic and is hard to get rid of without treatment. Here’s why!
Blood Stasis (Blood Stagnation) is a major constituent of Chronic Ill-Health, Pain and Ageing. Here’s how to keep your Blood moving!
Conception Vessel 4, Guanyuan, is the fourth point on the Conception Vessel, one of the so-called ‘extraordinary’ acupuncture channels.
All about Nutrition and what Foods do, according to Chinese medicine. Are they ‘warm’ or ‘cold’ in action? Learn and stay well!
Understanding Blood helps you avoid serious mental and health problems. In Chinese medicine It’s also the foundation of your personality.
Liver Blood Deficiency is a ‘syndrome’ in Chinese medicine. It tends to be chronic and is hard to get rid of without treatment. Here’s why!
Blood Stasis (Blood Stagnation) is a major constituent of Chronic Ill-Health, Pain and Ageing. Here’s how to keep your Blood moving!
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