Spleen 10 – Xuehai: Sea of Blood
Spleen 10, Zuehai, Sea of Blood, strengthens your Blood, controlling yang factors like Heat and helping to steady your Mind.
Spleen 10, Zuehai, Sea of Blood, strengthens your Blood, controlling yang factors like Heat and helping to steady your Mind.
Spleen 8 – Diji – is Spleen xi-cleft point, moves fluids and regulates Blood: very useful for uterine problems and pain, also being analgesic.
This Spleen channel points list links to individual Spleen points for deeper study. The Spleen: Your Great Housekeeper!
As source point Spleen 3 strengthens your Spleen so enhances your digestion, energy and Blood and helps to clear or disperse Damp.
Spleen 9, yinlingquan, is a major point for conditions caused by Damp, so helps urinary problems, ascites, oedema and general swelling.
Spleen 6 Sanyinjiao is a strong reliable acupuncture point for yin and Blood problems, so good for clearing Damp and helping anaemia.
Spleen 4, Gongsun, is a hugely important point for health and longevity because it helps to keep the contents of your abdomen working smoothly.
Spleen 10, Zuehai, Sea of Blood, strengthens your Blood, controlling yang factors like Heat and helping to steady your Mind.
Spleen 8 – Diji – is Spleen xi-cleft point, moves fluids and regulates Blood: very useful for uterine problems and pain, also being analgesic.
This Spleen channel points list links to individual Spleen points for deeper study. The Spleen: Your Great Housekeeper!
As source point Spleen 3 strengthens your Spleen so enhances your digestion, energy and Blood and helps to clear or disperse Damp.
Spleen 9, yinlingquan, is a major point for conditions caused by Damp, so helps urinary problems, ascites, oedema and general swelling.
Spleen 6 Sanyinjiao is a strong reliable acupuncture point for yin and Blood problems, so good for clearing Damp and helping anaemia.
Spleen 4, Gongsun, is a hugely important point for health and longevity because it helps to keep the contents of your abdomen working smoothly.
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