Kidney 8: Jiaoxin – Exchange Belief
Kidney 8, Jiaoxin, is the eighth point on the Kidney acupuncture channel, and an important point on the Yin Xiao Mai ‘extraordinary’ vessel.
Kidney 8, Jiaoxin, is the eighth point on the Kidney acupuncture channel, and an important point on the Yin Xiao Mai ‘extraordinary’ vessel.
Bladder point 67 is an acupuncture point. In Chinese medicine it has special properties including ‘spinning babies’, but get the theory and you’ll grasp how it helps other conditions.
Bladder point 23, Shen Shu, is one of the most important acupuncture points in your body.
Kidney 8, Jiaoxin, is the eighth point on the Kidney acupuncture channel, and an important point on the Yin Xiao Mai ‘extraordinary’ vessel.
Bladder point 67 is an acupuncture point. In Chinese medicine it has special properties including ‘spinning babies’, but get the theory and you’ll grasp how it helps other conditions.
Bladder point 23, Shen Shu, is one of the most important acupuncture points in your body.
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