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brown and gray sand art: evidence
Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott

Acupuncture Point Evidence

What acupuncture point evidence is there? Lots! And growing! Hard to refute, though sceptics will always exist. But even WHO is convinced.

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Yuck Phlegm cover
Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott

Yuck Phlegm Reviews

This page lists Yuck Phlegm reviews that I’ve received or found on the net. It won’t have them all because I’m too busy to search for them. Hope it helps you decide whether to buy the book.

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Patient Data Form
Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott

Patient Data Form

What is our Patient Data Protection Policy? Here is the form we ask patients to sign and there is a link to our FULL data protection policy on the page.

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Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott
Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott

Jonathan Talks

This page, ‘Jonathan Talks’, tells you when, where and about what Jonathan is giving talks.

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Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott

Homeopathy Definition

Homeopathy definition? Find what happens when you poison someone! Take careful notes! When someone with those symptoms needs treatment, match them with the poison – there’s your remedy!

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Yuck Phlegm cover

Yuck Phlegm Reviews

This page lists Yuck Phlegm reviews that I’ve received or found on the net. It won’t have them all because I’m too busy to search for them. Hope it helps you decide whether to buy the book.

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Patient Data Form

Patient Data Form

What is our Patient Data Protection Policy? Here is the form we ask patients to sign and there is a link to our FULL data protection policy on the page.

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Homeopathy Definition

Homeopathy definition? Find what happens when you poison someone! Take careful notes! When someone with those symptoms needs treatment, match them with the poison – there’s your remedy!

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