Acupuncture Theory: Complex and Fascinating!
2500 years of acupuncture theory and you thought it was just sticking in a few pins? It makes sense of where energy goes in your body, what happens when you’re in pain – and what to do about it.
2500 years of acupuncture theory and you thought it was just sticking in a few pins? It makes sense of where energy goes in your body, what happens when you’re in pain – and what to do about it.
Entry Exit Points, not a treatment that all acupuncturists know anything about, but still, really useful.
2500 years of acupuncture theory and you thought it was just sticking in a few pins? It makes sense of where energy goes in your body, what happens when you’re in pain – and what to do about it.
Entry Exit Points, not a treatment that all acupuncturists know anything about, but still, really useful.
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